Little Bounty 2.2
630   강/시내 

The Crystal Exarch once remarked that this wavekin of Saint Fathric's Temple resembled the seas of his faraway homeland, and thus the name stuck.

[Suitable for printing on small canvases.]

On a visit to Il Mheg, the Crystal Exarch spotted a fish whose cerulean hues resembled the seas of his homeland. Fascinated by his tale, the people of the Crystarium began to refer to this wavekin as the little Bounty, that they might one day gaze upon the creature for themselves and reminisce on the vivid colors of their long-lost seas.


Il Mheg
Saint Fathric's Temple74

미끼 선택

select bait ball560


Name  이름도없는 낚시꾼

Little Bounty - 고양이는 배고프다